  • 英语课程要面向(),注重素质教育。


  • The Hundred Years’ War and its consequences.


  • 请依据主题“In a Fast-food Restaurant”,为一个中等城市普通小学5年级学生设计一个课堂。


  • What was unusual about the Article of Confederation? What was the struggle at the Constitutional Convention? How was the conflict solved?


  • Modern science and technology has ()communication between people far apart.


  • Reasons for the British coal mining is called a “sick” industry today.


  • The English Reformation


  • 如安在英语教授教化中培养和成长学生积极的情感立场?


  • 教师应尊敬学生的人格,存眷个别差别,满足不合学生的进修须要,创设能勾引学生主动参与的教导情况,激起学生的进修积极性,培养学生控制和应用常识的立场和才能,使每个学生都能取得充分的成长。


  • 英语课程目标按照国际通用的能力水平设立几个级别?各级别都适用于哪个年级?


  • 教师要充分应用现代教导技巧,拓宽学生进修和应用英语的渠道。


  • The Glorious Revolution of 1688


  • On hearing a great noise, Mike looked forward through the window ()what happened outside the room.


  • 小学英语教授教化策略读写课的第三环节是浏览中活动。


  • 二级课程目标总体描述是什么?


  • 判断下列划线部分读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。


  • 备课就是写教案。


  • 上海是中国最大的城市,在这里选购物品最合适。上海品种繁多的小吃、糕点和手工艺品、纺织品,会使您感到满意。离上海仅有几小时路程的苏州和杭州,是中国园林艺术的代表,被人称为“天堂”。北京是中国的政治、文化中心。在这里您可以游览万里长城中的一段——八达岭;明、清两代皇室居住的地方——故宫;清朝御花园——颐和园和北海;还可以品尝到正宗的北京烤鸭、涮羊肉。 核心词提示: • 手工艺品:handicraft • 小吃:snack • 园林:garden • 八达岭:Badaling • 故宫: Gugong (Imperial Palace) • 颐和园: Yiheyuan (Summer Palace) • 北海:Beihai


  • Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960’s and 70’s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the twenty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States, the lead accumulation worldwide has decreased significantly. A study published recently in the journal Nature shows that air-borne leaded gas emissions from the United States were the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Greenland. The new study is a result of the continued research led by Dr. Charles Boutron, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in arctic (北极的) snow were declining. In his new study, Dr. Boutron found the ratios of the different forms of lead in the leaded gasoline used in the United States were different from the ratios of European, Asian and Canadian gasolines and thus enabled scientists to differentiate (区分) the lead sources. The dominant lead ratio found in Greenland snow matched that found in gasoline from the United States. In a study published in the journal Ambio, scientists found that lead levels in soil in the Northeastern United States had decreased markedly since the introduction of unleaded gasoline. Many scientists had believed that the lead would stay in soil and snow for a longer period. The authors of the Ambio study examined samples of the upper layers of soil taken from the same sites of 30 forest floors in New England, New York and Pennsylvania in 1980 and in 1990. The forest environment processed and redistributed the lead faster than the scientists had expected. Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem (生态系统) respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that scientists ()


  • Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost. Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all. So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping? If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long () Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular () Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates. 请在第()处填上正确答案。
